
F the application you will select two articles from a

Analyzing the Research

  • For the Application, you will select two articles from a list, identify the components of a research project and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the articles.
  • Select two studies from the list of articles. The articles can also be accessed through the Course Readings in the Library.
  • Choose one quantitative article and one qualitative article.
  • Review each selected article based on what you have learned about study design, identifying information from each component of the study.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study.
  • Based on your review, write a summary of the two articles.
  • Identify each component of the research article as outlined in the rubric

Critically Read Articles

Writing an article summary requires that you read very carefully. As you read each article, pay attention to the key details of author, research problem, study design, sample, and results. Jot down notes or highlight where these details can be found.

Remember: For this assignment, you must move beyond summary to assess each study's strengths and weaknesses. In addition to thinking about key details then, ask yourself questions:

  • Is the article scholarly and current?
  • Is the design suited to the study's problem and purpose?
  • Did researchers show bias?
  • Is the sample size appropriate?
  • Does the research exhibit (as applicable)credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, validity, and reliability?

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Other Subject: F the application you will select two articles from a
Reference No:- TGS01252088

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