
eye injuries the eyes are a particularly

Eye Injuries : The eyes are a particularly vulnerable part of your body. Safety glasses, goggles or a face shield are a 'must' for any experiment where there is any , danger of splashes of chemicals, broken glass or particles of metal entering the eye. Eye injuries are common occurrences, particularly where power tools are concerned. However, the use of safety goggles will prevent nearly all accidents of this kind. Injuries are usually caused by

1) entry of a foreign body, or

2) chemical splashes.

In either case, initial first aid treatment is through the use of tap water. Splashes of chemicals or of corrosive liquids in the eye must be treated immediately as any delay may result in permanent damage to the sight. Strong alkalies are particularly dangerous. The aim of first aid treatment is to dilute and eliminate the chemical as quickly as possible and then to get the casualty to hospital for urgent treatment.

The first aid procedure is as follows:

1) Hold the eye open or get the casualty to blink repeatedly while washing the eye with clear, fresh tap water for several minutes.

2) Place a clean dressing over the eye.

3) Arrange immediate transport to hospital. All eye injuries caused by the action of chemicals require urgent medical treatment. In some cases, the effects of the injury may not develop for some time.

Foreign bodies, such as a piece of grit or an eyelash, may be removed from the eye using the corner of a clean handkerchief. All eye injuries resulting from solid objects should receive urgent skilled medical attention.

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Science: eye injuries the eyes are a particularly
Reference No:- TGS0416160

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