
Extraversion and introversion

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is based on Jungian Theory and developed by Myers and Briggs.

Extraversion and Introversion, Sensing an Intuition, Feeling and Thinking, Perceiving and Judging

Your understanding of the 4 dichotimies within yourself will help you to choose a career that may be more suitable to your psychological type.

1- After taking the Jung typology test on Humanmetrics.com your results gave you a percentage for each of the 4 criteria. What are your percentages and indicate whether the percentage shows a distinct, marginal, moderate or slight preference.

2- Now think about the decriptions of each of these : (From your textbook Ch.3 and from personalitypage.com and humanmetrics.com)

Extraversion and Introversion, Sensing an Intuition, Feeling and Thinking, Perceiving and Judging

What 4 letters and percentages would you give yourself as you read through the information on each of these dichotimies?

3- Now look to the Types of Occupations (table on page 61) that are preferred for each of the 16 MBTI psychological types in your textbook ch.3 page 61. Take the 4 letter combination that you received from the Humanmetrics Jung typology test (from question 1) and the 4 letter combination that you decided on (from question 2) and list ALL the preferred occupations for each both of these.

4- Which of these lists has a greater number of occupations that you would consider as possible careers for yourself (1point), and of this list, which would be your top three occupations?

5- Now think about what activities and the type of work that people in these 3 occupations do : For each of these 3 occupations write how some aspect about each of these occupations would fit well to one of your 4 dichotomy preferences.

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