Extra Credit for Database Project wk8
Extra Credit for Database Project wk8
DUE: Jan 24, 2015 2:00AM
Grade Details
Grade N/A iRubric Link
Gradebook Comments None
Assignment Details
Open Date Jan 9, 2015 12:05 AM
Graded? Yes
Points Possible 100.0
Resubmissions Allowed? No
Assignment Instructions
For a 2% class grade here is the Extra Credit Assignment:
In your Term Project you have created a database which you normalized and documented and submitted. The extra credit is to make a MS Access Database of the same design.
Here are the detail requirements:
1) Create a MS Access Database of your Term Project Design
2) Make sure it is normalized and it properly reflects the Primary Keys that you designed
3) Make sure that you populate the fields of the database with at least 3 data sets (3 rows)
4) You will need to create 2 Forms, and in the notes section of the assignment explain how they will be used
5) You will need to create 2 Reports and also explain who will use them and how,