
Externally neutral - operations still has little strategic

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence -- Vince Lombardi

Operational effectiveness are an outline of tools to help a company determine how well the company is utilizing operations to support and possibly attain a competitive advantage. These are the stages of operational effectiveness:

Internally Neutral - Operations has little strategic importance and emphasis in organization is on minimizing negative impact of operations.

Externally Neutral - Operations still has little strategic importance, but organization will try to match operational practices of the industry.

Internally Supportive - Organization expects operations to support the overall business strategy, however, operations is not involved in creating the business strategy

Externally Supportive - Organization depends on operations to achieve competitive advantage.

Based on these stages, compare and contrast operational effectiveness in the information technology or automotive field.providing a detailed example. Provide support.

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Operation Management: Externally neutral - operations still has little strategic
Reference No:- TGS02690494

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