
external genitalia -vestibule is covered by 2


  1. Vestibule is covered by 2 pairs of lips labia majoris and labia minoris.
  2. At the anterior junction of labia minoris a small erectile clitoris present, homologous to penis.
  3. A membranous fold fourchette conects the post. ends of the labia minoris.
  4. Area between fourchette & anus is perinium.
  5. Urethra & vagina open by separate aperture, the urethral and vaginal orffice into vestibule.
  6. Vaginal orffice is covered by a membrane i.e. hymen. A slit in hymen allows menstrual flow to pass out.
  7. A fleshy elevation above the labia majoris is monsvenesis or mons pubis.

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Biology: external genitalia -vestibule is covered by 2
Reference No:- TGS0172522

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