
External environment analysis of the company


Select any company of your choice operating in a country. The company can operate in the international environment or in the domestic environment. The company can be from any country.

Note: Please do not choose SIA or any other airline company.

Provide an external environment analysis of the chosen company as part of strategic management report based on details shown in the table below. Your report is not limited to but must include all factors stated below.

You must use terms found within the study of management. You are encouraged to look up various textbooks and journals to further explore these terms and to gain additional knowledge on management to develop your knowledge and the quality of the assessment.

Response should be 1800 words.

You are required to consult and correctly reference a MINIMUM of 10 different sources of information.You must use the APA Referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text, and as a reference list at the end).


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Strategic Management: External environment analysis of the company
Reference No:- TGS02024519

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