Question 1:
a) Examine the difference between external and internal goals of the education system in the present socio-political thinking and exemplify with illustrations how far education for all and education efficiency are improved.
b) How far are the given concepts helpful in understanding the planning process: normative, strategic, operational and administrative? Validate your answer with illustrations.
c) Consider the extent to which the interface among the alignment of different kinds of capital calling for a new professionalism and the new wave of modifications is widening the scope of planning.
Question 2: Examine the critical significance of information and fundamental research in planning and management of education.
Question 3: Examine the extent to which micro-planning (school mapping) is an efficient method for educational analysis which can improve the educational practice.
Question 4: How far can democratization in education as stipulated in the National Development Plan (1975-1980) is achieved via technocratic planning?
Question 5: Consider the importance of strategic planning as matching the environment with its capabilities. Use illustrations to describe how the organization culture can improve the effectiveness and efficacy of the system.