place your code "" and `given supporting queue and stack .java les as needed on blackboared by the date given.
Extend either the array-based implementation or the linked-list based implmentation of the queue to include a public String toString() method that creates a String such that each element is seperated by a comma. For example in a basic queue storing the integers 1, 2, 3, and 4. The toString() method would return the following String:
1, 2, 3, 4
2 Problem 2
Create a program that takes in the a year from the user and outputs all dates of the format MMDDYYYY such that it is a palindrome. For example for the year 2050 the date 05022050 would be given as it is the date that is a palindrome. If no date exists state so. Some examples:
input: 2050
output: 05022050
input: 2012
output: None
input: 2011
output: 11022011