
Expression of a clonedeukaryotic gene in a bacterial cell

1. Most molecularbiologists think that viruses originated from fragements cellularnucleic acid. Which of the following observations supports this theory?

A) Viruses can infect both prokaryotic and eukaryoticcells'
B) Viruses can reproduce only inside host cells.
C) Viruses are enclosed in protein capsids rather than plasmamembranes.
D) Viruses contains either DNA or RNA.
E) Viral genomes are usualy more similar to the genome of thehost cell than to the genomes of viruses that infect other celltypes.

2. Expression of a clonedeukaryotic gene in a bacterial cell involves many challenges. Theuse of mRNA and reverse transcriptase is part of a strategy tosolve the problem of

A) electroporation
B) restriction fragment ligation.
C) nucleic acid hybridization.
D) post-transcriptional processing.
E) post-translational processing.

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Biology: Expression of a clonedeukaryotic gene in a bacterial cell
Reference No:- TGS0800137

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