
Expression for capacitance of two wire transmission line

1) Deduce the expression for energy stored and energy density in the Electrostatic field

2) Deduce the expression for capacitance of two wire transmission line.

3) Deduce the expression for capacitance of co-axial cable.

4) Deduce the boundary conditions of normal and tangential components of magnetic field at the interface of two media with distinct dielectrics.

5) Deduce the expression for co-efficient of coupling.

6) State and prove Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.

7) Define Faraday’s law of induction.

8) Define and prove lenz’s law.

9) Write down the equation of transformer emf.

10) What do you mean by motional electric field?

11) What do you mean by motional emf?

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Electrical Engineering: Expression for capacitance of two wire transmission line
Reference No:- TGS011073

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