
Expressing attitudes in strong and weak situations

Assignment Discussion - Expressing attitudes in strong and weak situations


Answer both parts of this exercise:

1. Reflect on an attitude that you wanted to express in a strong situation but could not because of social pressure (it felt inappropriate, uncomfortable, etc) and discuss the context in which this happened--what stopped you from stating your attitude? What consequences of stating your attitude stopped you?

2. Reflect on a weak situation in which you were able to more comfortably express this same attitude. What type of context was it? Was it easier to express your attitude in this different situation?  Why?

Response Parameters:

You are expected to participate in all Discussion exercises assigned throughout the course in two stages.

? First, for each assignment, post a response that addresses the key Prompt question(s) presented by the stated deadline

? Second, in addition to posting your own response, you are required to post at least one peer response that thoughtfully and respectfully discusses/evaluates the idea of any classmate's response posted on the Discussion Board

? In order to earn credit, all posts must be accompanied by at least one citation with accompanying reference outside of, or in addition to, the textbook. Wikipedia, ask.com, about.com and the like are not considered valid sources for any assignment in this course. Your post must adhere to APA citation rules. Grading will take into consideration grammar, spelling, organization, length, citations, knowledgeable content, display of logical reasoning, and adherence to APA citation and referencing

? Your meaningful feedback in these responses should reflect all four categories of the RISE model presented below: Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate

? Minimum word requirement for initial posts is 250 words

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Other Subject: Expressing attitudes in strong and weak situations
Reference No:- TGS03430677

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