
Express your views about data extrapolated by computer


According to Rosenfeld et al. (2009), public health officials are familiar with models in three categories: natural disasters, disease transmission, and technological models (e.g., chemical or radiologic plume dispersal patterns). Although most officials would prefer to have standardized models put in place by the state so there would be standardized data and responses, they cited quality and applicability-related factors that should be the determinants of their model choice and that an "all hazard" model, which could address a variety of public health issues would be ideal.

The factors that affect the use and adaptation of computer models were listed as follows:

• Validity
• Reliability
• Authorship
• Accessibility
• Scalability
• Relevance
• Capacity
• Applicability

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and Internet sources, research public health system models. Then, based on your research, respond to the following:

• Explain the advantages of specialized models versus an extensive system modeling.

• Express your views about data extrapolated by computer modeling versus information provided by experienced and knowledgeable staff.

• Support your positions with appropriate references.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words.

Rosenfeld, L. A., Fox, C. E., Kerr, D., Marziale, E., Cullum, A., Lota, K., . . . Thompson, M. Z. (2009). Use of computer modeling for emergency preparedness functions by local and state health officials: A needs assessment. Journal of Public Health Management Practice, 15(2), 96-104.

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Dissertation: Express your views about data extrapolated by computer
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