
Express you personal opinion in the essay below and answer

Express you personal opinion in the essay below and answer the following questions and put them in the last paragraph and put  it in order or by number.

1)  If a vendor or company refuses to comply with Walmart's request, is there anything Walmart?

2)  How do you feel about those that oppose the Walmart plan?

3) As a company, not just for Walmart specifically, what are some steps that you think can be taken to become waste free?

In my opinion, becoming packaging neutral would do great things for this country. Packaging neutral is making every product that you manufacture, ship, and put on the shelves capable of being recycled. The best way to describe this is to think of a cardboard box that is used to ship a shipment of toys. The goal with becoming packaging neutral is to make sure that the materials used in creating that box are capable of being broken down and recycled with the intention of reusing that same cardboard, potentially for another item. The same would be said for their plastic that is being used for the toy's package. The possibilities of being capable of recycling the plastic of the toys that are not able to be sold would ensure that amount of waste is being diminished.

A quote from Walmart's 2012 Global Responsibility Report states ["We look forward to a time when all of the packaging we consume is either recyclable, reusable or renewable, and we are working with suppliers, manufacturers, researchers and experts to develop the next-generation materials, processes and tools that will be required to accomplish that goal," said the company. "Significant progress is being made, and we continue to prioritize the use of recycled materials and returnable packaging when appropriate."] (Thomas, 2015)

In the video that was provided for us, this method of taking the cardboard from the stores, and completely breaking it down to compost, then creating new cardboard is exactly what the idea of neutral packaging is trying to accomplish. I had no idea that Walmart did this and I could imagine the positive impacts that would come from every other retail store doing the same thing. Obviously, getting every store on board would take a very long time. The juggernaut that is Walmart has the upper hand on this process and continues to be the lead innovators for new environmental friendly processes. (Walmart, 2010)


Thomas, Jake. (2015) Walmart highlights recycling, packaging progress. Retrieved from https://resource-recycling.com/node/2669

Walmart. [Walmart]. (2010, May 12). Secret Life of Walmart's Deli Pizza Box. [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVScI_XS84A

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Basic Computer Science: Express you personal opinion in the essay below and answer
Reference No:- TGS01113557

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