Definite Integrals-
Exercise 1- Express the limit limn→∞ i=1Σn xi ln(1 + xi2)?x, where ?x = 6-2/n and xi = 2 + i?x, as a definite integral on the interval [2, 6].
Exercise 2- Compute 0∫2(2x - x3)dx.
Exercise 3- Compute 0∫4exdx.
Exercise 4- Prove that a∫bx dx = 1/2 (b2 - a2). Note that this is f(b) - f(a) where f(x) = ½ x2.
Exercise 5- Prove that a∫bx2 dx = 1/3(b3 - a3). Note that this is f(b) - f(a) where f(x) = 1/3 x3.
Exercise 6- Express the integral 1∫10(x - 4 ln x) dx as a limit of Riemann sums as in (1).
Exercise 7- Use the properties of integrals (page 379 to 381) to verify the following inequality without evaluating an integral:
2 ≤ -1∫1√(1 + x2) dx ≤ 2√2.