
Exposure to cigarette smoke poses serious

You mentioned a possible "big idea" to pursue this term. For this week's Invention Lab, you will brainstorm four research questions related to that topic or another one if you have changed your mind. These questions are what you would like to find out in the process of your research. After writing the four questions, write down what you think the answer will be to each question, based on what you already know.

In the Goodwill Movement, there is a lack of formal or standardized training in all 168 other Goodwill agencies and their 600 stores. Currently, every Goodwill runs independently, so what occurs in Charleston, SC does not occur in Columbia, SC and so forth in other states.  My idea would be to create cloud based software that will provide standardized throughout all departments that will assist Goodwill's with their customer service and branding their locations.  A team would have to be assembled and their task would be to gather information throughout various Goodwill's about their needs.  The team would then visit Goodwill's that have perfected some of those training.  Once all the data has been captured, the team will create a plan of action that will include all ingredients needed to provide text, video and practice training.  Once the plan has been laid out, the team can work with the Information Systems department to start creating web pages .  The e-learnings will need to be tested out for proper playback and retention.  There should also be a practical manual of do's on the job and certain roll playing for the associates.  Once the employee has completed the base training for one job, they can look at other positions and their e-learnings move within the company.  If this training was provided to the employee, the customer experience will be the same nationwide and the employee would have the proper training to move to a higher level of employment

Do you think any of your provisional answers might be your working thesis statement? Which one might be a good thesis? Please post your first attempt at a thesis statement. You want a concise statement that clearly indicates your position.

You want to make sure that your thesis statement is persuasive and logical.

  • Avoid informative thesis statements such as this: Many health organizations claim that smoking is bad for one's health, and this has led to warning labels and advertising limitations.
  • Also avoid illogical thesis statements. This one uses the "slippery slope" fallacy: Smoking should not be banned in public places. If this happens, the government will ban overeating and drinking in public next.
  • An effective persuasive thesis typically includes a claim and why. For example: Exposure to cigarette smoke poses serious health risks, particularly to children and those with breathing problems. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places to protect the most vulnerable.

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