
Exposure assessment-extent of human exposure to toxicants

Assignment: The Paper

Should meet the following criteria:

1. It should be typed doubled space and 5 pages.
2. The format should have title, text with subtopics, summary and references.
3. Reference style should be similar to the following:

Mian LS, Maag H, Tacal JV. 2002. Isolation of Salmonella from muscoid flies at commercial animal establishments in San Bernardino County. Journal of Vector Ecology 27: 82-85.


1. Water: Water quality, treatment, safe drinking water.

Journal Sources

American Journal of Public Health
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and toxicology
Emerging Infectious Diseases*
Environmental Science and Technology
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of Air Pollution Control Association
Journal of Environmental Health*
Journal of Food Protection
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association*
Journal of the American Water Works Association
Journal of Medical Entomology*
Journal of Vector Ecology*
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health
Journal of Water Pollution Control Association
Science, Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science*
Water and Sewage Works

Writing Assignment: Assessment

1. Demonstrates understanding of scientific writing: summarizes key points and sections; understands what needs to be cited; sections have contents appropriate; graphics integrated into and integral to the paper; discussion synthesizes results with literature; shows evidence of analytical thinking.

2. Content, comprehension , and development of ideas: follows assignment topic

A. Hazard ID- toxicological data & hazards
B. Dose-response assessment-exposure vs probability of health effects
C. Exposure assessment-extent of human exposure to toxicants
D. Risk characterization-estimation of the magnitude of human risk.); has a title that fits paper; has sufficient data and information; has appropriate and challenging content; evidence of original work (no copy/cut and paste); defines technical terms, used appropriately, not gratuitously; paraphrases correctly and accurately; stays on topic; conclusion captures main points/objectives.

3. Organization and structure: clearly organized; introduction sets up paper and specific points follow in order; flows with a topic sentence, repetition of key words; topic sentences focus paragraphs; shows an understanding of transitional phrases;.

4. Documenting and citing: adequate citing; paraphrases without excessive quoting; sources introduced appropriately; follows appropriate documentation style; citations to match references.

5. Mechanics: correct labeling of tables and figures; correct word choice; correct tenses; subject/verb agreement (e.g., data were); punctuation, comma use; correct use of italics; correct sentence structure and syntax; and concise language appropriate to science.

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Dissertation: Exposure assessment-extent of human exposure to toxicants
Reference No:- TGS02297886

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