
Exploring us coast guard organizational preparedness

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Review Exploring U.S. Coast Guard organizational preparedness through chaos and complexity theories by Dr. Gregory Sanial

Discussion 1:

Exploring U.S. Coast Guard organizational preparedness through chaos and complexity theories, by Sanial (2014) asks the research question, what is the fate of an organization that cannot strategically confront unpredictable events? Focusing on the use of chaos and complexity theory to explore the components of the organization, the intent was to understand the preparedness experience, subjectively (Babbie, 2017), to address performance of the Coast Guard as it relates to its ability to strategically plan for unexpected crises. This theoretical framework is particularly useful in an organization such as the Coast Guard were the business environment is "random" and "turbulent" (Sanial, 2014, p. 3). The theoretical framework was necessary to understand the research problem and therefore the purpose of the research study. Here, this idea that the Coast Guard is more tactical than strategic, means use of chaos and complexity theories to comprehensively "provide insight" into that which is observed (Sanial, 2014, p. 3).

The research method uses interviews and review of organizational documents at the Coast Guard to describe the constructs of chaos theory, complexity theory, strategic management and public policy in a case study approach (Sanial, 2014). This is an appropriate method given the organization where observations are more valuable and processes are less quantifiable (Babbie, 2014).

The case study was designed to explore and interpret (Laureate Education, 2015) the responses of 13- ranked officials with an average of 15- years of experience along with data collected from policies, procedures, budgets, reports, instructions and manuals for analysis (Sanial, 2014). Specifically, the qualitative research approach Sanial (2014) used is implemented by taking the data and organizing it into "codes of interest" (p. 7) at which themes emerged and linked to chaos and complexity theories. With the depth in findings of the phenomenon (Babbie, 2017), the study would inform and improve policy and process.


Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Overview of qualitative research methods [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Sanial, G. (2014). Exploring U.S. Coast Guard organizational preparedness through chaos and complexity theories. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 16(4), F1-F16.

Discussion 2:

The article I evaluated this week was Exploring U.S. Coast Guard organizational preparedness through chaos and complexity theories. Emergence: Complexity and Organization. " The purpose of this descriptive qualitative case study was to explore and generate a new holistic model that can inform the Coast Guard's strategic management and public policy processes to improve the organization's preparedness for unpredictable events"(Sanial, G. 2014).This is a good qualitative study the seems to find out "if the themes that emerged from interview transcripts and organizational document related to strategic management and public policy were consistent with concepts and constructs from chaos and complexity theories; and, if those theories could be integrated in a new approach to public policy and strategic management to improve the Coast Guard's preparedness for unpredictable events"(Sanial, G. 2014). The article focuses its research through two theories known as the chaos and complexity theories respectively. "Chaos and complexity theories include an emphasis on analysis of seemingly unpredictable events, randomness, and sensitivity to initial conditions in order to generate potential predictors of future needs and capabilities" (Gleick, 2008; Mitchell, 2009; Rensicow & Page, 2008). The descriptive qualitative research used a case study approach where data generated from interviews of Coast Guard officers and analysis of Coast Guard organizational documents were used to generate a theory that addressed strategic management and public policy organizational preparedness for crises (Sanial, G. 2014).

After reading through this article I have mixed feelings regarding how the results were reached. The researcher interviewed 13 sailors who's average rank was Rear Admiral, Lower Half (O-7) and had 15 years of strategy and policy experience(Sanial, G. 2014). To me when you ask senior leaders who are controlling an organization on how to better fix organizational issues I believe that they will not will not give a realistic answer on how to fix the issue at hand. I think the researcher should have interviewed lower ranking members in order to get their feedback on how to make the improvements to the organization. At the end of the day it's those lower ranking soldiers who are on the front lines reacting to the events. Overall, I do believe the author met the requirements in regards to the research questions and hypothesis checklist.


Sanial, G. (2014). Exploring U.S. Coast Guard organizational preparedness through chaos and complexity theories. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 16(4), F1-F16.

An article written by Sanial (2014) "Exploring U.S. coast guard organizational preparedness through chaos and complexity theories" and published by Emergence: Complexity & Organization, explored the strategic management and public policy process of the U.S coast guard. The theoretical concept applied in this research was based chaos and complexity theories (Sanial, 2014). The author also implied that improvements to the inter and intra-organizational process, necessitate understanding the external environment.


The author examined the preparedness of the U.S. Coast Guard for unpredictable occurrences. In recent national crises, the Coast Guard was on the front lines. Sanial (2014) asserted that "With past events as an indicator, Coast Guard organizational leaders will need to continue to prepare for and react to seemingly improbable events..." (p.1). A qualitative approach was used to explore and generate a new holistic model that would improve the organization's preparedness for unpredictable events. Sanial (2014) sought to understand the existing management strategies and public policy processes by synthesizing chaos and complexity theories. The methodology applied included conducting interviews of relevant staff members and reviewing of existing procedural documents. The findings were presented under key themes-organizational identity crisis, all tactics and no strategy, inward focus, and organizational disconnect.


The study depicted well framed research questions. A qualitative approach was employed in this study and denotes formative evaluation research methodologies. Qualitative research question(s) generally focuses on a single phenomenon and uses an open-ended format (Laureate, 2016). The purpose of the research is to improve the Coast Guard's preparedness for unpredictable events. Typically, a research question illustrates a logical extension of the purpose of the study (Laureate, 2016). The research problem was also relevant to the overall design of the study. In addition, the research design that was implemented specified the participants and research site.

Research Questions

A distinct research question(s) is imperative to the design of the study. Typically, the research question(s) relates the central question to the qualitative approach (Laureate, 2016). In this case, the central research questions were exploratory. Firstly, if the themes that emerged from the data collection were consistent with the concepts and constructs from chaos and complexity theories (Sanial, 2014). Secondly, if those theories could be incorporated in a new approach-public policy and strategic management-that could improve the coast guard preparedness for unpredictable events (Sanial, 2014). In addition, the research questions depicted nondirectional language.

Research Approach

A qualitative study also necessitates employing a relevant research paradigm. The author used a case study approach in this research. An in-depth study of a specific case-a period of time or a particular group of people-can yield explanatory insights (Babbie, 2017). In this case the case, the research focused on the preparedness of the U.S. Coast Guard. The methodology implemented in this study, generated theoretical constructs that addressed the U.S. Coast Guard's organizational preparedness for crisis (Sanial, 2014). The author used an open-ended format in conducting the research. This approach depicted a synthesizing of chaos theory and complexity theory into a comprehensive approach that refined and guided the research (Sanial, 2014). This amalgamation denoted assessing data analysis for integration with data collected from interviews.

Alignment with the Theoretical framework

The research depicted an alignment among the problem, purpose, research questions and hypotheses, and design. Sanial (2014) employed both the chaos theory and the complexity theory, to garner a new and comprehensive perspective of the U.S. coast guard. This approach depicts an effort to analyze the problem-the Coast Guard being unprepared for some recent unpredictable events. Hence, the purpose of the study was descriptive and attempts to explore and generate a new and holistic model. The theoretical framework is also consistent with the research questions. Aligning research question(s) and hypothesis with the method of collecting data is also a significant aspect of a qualitative study (Laureate, 2016). In this case, the research depicted key areas of analysis-environment, attitude to change, general management, and structure and staffing.

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