view the "Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment" video in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.
Assignment : Exploring the Machine
In this assignment, you will explore a computer (i.e., a Windows PC or a Mac computer). Specifically, you will view the system's general information, create a folder on the desktop of the computer, and explore processes that are actively running. Because operating systems behave differently, you are encouraged to use the textbook and Internet to research the appropriate completion of each task.
Note: If you are using a PC computer which runs an instance of Microsoft Windows, complete Assignment . If you are using a Mac, complete Assignment 2B. Do NOT complete both.
Submission Instructions
Submit all files and written responses at the same time as one (1) complete submission.
Screenshot File Submission: You must submit the screenshot file(s) using the provided Assignment Submission Attach File function located in the Blackboard online course shell. To access Assignment Submission Attach File function, you must select the Assignment submission link located in Week 2 of the online course shell. Note: If you need a tutorial on taking a screen shot,
visit one of the following locations: PC Users MAC Users
Written Submission: You must submit written responses in the provided assignment submission text box located in the Blackboard online course shell. To access the assignment submission text box,