Assignment task: you must plan the following experiences:
Experience 1 - for exploring identity, health and positive self-image with an individual child that include opportunities to:
- Understand the link between physical fitness and health and wellbeing
- Develop positive self-image and identity through play
- Explore their own and others' emotions and ways to release feelings
- Demonstrate agency and active decision making during play
For example: developing/practicing a physical skill and experiencing a success, participating in an active game with peers or working with peers to make up a game
Experience 2 - for developing literacy and language skills with an individual child that includes opportunities to:
- Explore culturally constructed texts familiar to child, as well as texts that are unfamiliar to them
- Experiment with images and print
- Investigate issues of fairness in relation to own participation in the centre and/or community
For example: learning a song or story from another culture and comparing it to a familiar story the child knows and then creating book or picture about the story to share with their peers. The child might also participate in a discussion about what we can learn from other cultures and how it can be interesting and worthwhile to learn about the cultures of everyone in the centre and make all cultures feel welcome.
Experience 3 - for developing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills with a group of children that includes opportunities to:
- Explore, experiment and take risks
- Apply thinking, reasoning and hypothesising
For example: Learning about inventions and how they solve problems. Asking the children to think of problems and design inventions to solve them. Or, conducting a small scientific experiment with a hypothesis such as "What items will sink or float?".
Experience 4 - for exploring social worlds with a group of children that includes opportunities to:
- Cooperate with others and resolve conflicts
- Engage in group discussion and shared decision making
- Develop sense of belonging in group and community
For example: Inventing a new game as a group, performing a dramatic role-play as a group, pretending to be a train with passengers and a conductor.
In all four experiences, there must be a balance between intentional learning, spontaneous play and child-initiated learning. You must also explain how you will use daily routines, play and transitions in each experience.
You must identify and reference the EYLF Learning Outcome/s to be achieved by implementing each experience.