
Exploring block three of your clinical field experiences

Question 1: Briefly summarize one of the learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, connectivism) and justify why you believe it is the most relevant for today's classrooms and secondary science. Support your viewpoint with examples and research.

Question 2: Reflecting on the learning theory selected for Question 1, do you believe this learning theory is best for meeting the assessment needs of diverse students while considering a Christian worldview that promotes human flourishing can be supported through compassion, justice, and concern? Justify your response. Discuss if there is another theory you feel better addresses diverse assessment needs.

Question 3: The 4Cs of 21st century learning are communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Describe in detail a lesson in secondary science that could provide an opportunity for students to get experience with all four of these skills. Need Assignment Help?

Question 4: Conduct additional research on the instructional strategies, resources, and technology that best promote student motivation and engagement in your content area. How do you plan to promote student motivation and engagement in your classroom? Discuss a specific grade-level strategy.

Question 5: You are currently exploring Block 3 of your clinical field experiences. During this block, you are focused on planning and instructing larger groups of students. Share with your peers the field experiences you have had during Block 3. Focus on sharing specific examples that demonstrate the application of learning theories, supportive and engaging strategies, resources, and technology, common and innovative assessment practices, and the use of data after assessment.

Question 6: Discuss how you design instruction and assessment to advance individual learning while addressing a classroom full of students with various strengths and needs. Explain how you will ensure all students are progressing successfully.

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Reference No:- TGS03444594

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