
Explore various job announcements


Plot your career direction based on each step in this roadmap. For step 1 you should look at where you are now (what industry, job, position, etc.). Also answer where you want to go (industry, job, position, salary, etc.) from here.

For step 2, I would like you to go online and explore various job announcements and position descriptions to see what you need (what experience, degree, certification, interest, passion, etc.). In this context, I also would like you to state how pursuing this degree, and this course specifically, is a tool for the career direction in which you are going.

Then for step 3, do you know anyone who might be a mentor; are you pursuing opportunities to network with like-mined professionals, etc.

Finally, for step 4, is there some short-term deviation from your goal that you would accept - what is it?

It should take just a short paragraph that address each of the four steps mentioned above. As I have always mentioned, do not cut and paste information from other sources - I want your view and in your words. As your reader, I want to be able to follow whatever sources you use, so support your views (and findings) with at least two in-text citations. This means you will also need a reference list. For this assignment (only), a url reference is acceptable (not usually acceptable for APA).

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Management Information Sys: Explore various job announcements
Reference No:- TGS03191980

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