Academic Discussion - Reducing the Bureacracy
In Discussion we will explore the vast number of federal agencies and discuss whether we can reduce the size of the federal bureaucracy.
To help you formulate an answer, be sure to review the Exploration for this module, and your e-text, on the Bureaucracy. The following links will take you directly to lists of the various federal agencies:
Federal Website Locator
Index of US Government Departments and Agencies
• Now that you've had a chance to think about bureaucracy and government a bit, let's add in a new question for us to contemplate in this discussion. Often the suggestion is made that we cannot eliminate bureaucracy because so many people rely on it. Others would suggest that we might be able to eliminate certain agencies or that we can streamline them.
Please respond to the following questions completely:
• After you have perused the list of federal agencies, and explored some of these agencies in more depth, which federal agencies do you think that we could do without in our govt? Which agencies could be combined and/or streamlined? And of course, please explain your reasons.
The student demonstrated an excellent understanding of the concepts in the module; at least 3 textbook and/ or lecture concepts were incorporated and cited in their responses.