
Explore the technical-social-cultural and ethical issues

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Team Project Guidelines


This capstone course concludes with a research Team Project that starts during the first week and continues throughout the duration of the class. It culminates with the submission of a formal team report and an oral presentation by each team

Each team will identify and explore an emerging technology. This will be a technology that may already exist, but is drawing attention because of new applications, anticipated impacts or potential controversies. Examples could include:

• nanotechnology in manufacturing,

• genetically modified organisms,

• remote/robotic surgery, or

• wireless electricity.

The team will explore the technical, social, cultural, moral and ethical issues presented by the technology.



All teams will be assigned at the start of the first week. The first deliverable is due on the Sunday of Week 1, so students must get organized and into the project immediately. Each team will select a Team Leader, who will be responsible for the coordination of the research and the submission of assignments. Team members will remain on the assigned team throughout the duration of the class (in the project world, project managers seldom have the opportunity to select their own team members!). It is highly recommended that each team develop its own Team Contract to clearly define expectations, strategies, and timelines.

Emphasis is placed on both individual contributions and the final product of teams. You will communicate with your team through team meetings (online) and team discussion threads. Team members who fail to participate in an assignment will not get points for that assignment.

With those parts of the Team Project where a group grade will be assigned, all team members must submit a copy of the team's work. When an assignment is completed, the Team Leader will distribute the finished product to all team members, and each team member must submit this copy to the Dropbox,

The Task

The primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team member contributing 10 pages of text. The paper will provide the basis for a 20-minute team presentation.

The following Required Elementsmust be researched and included in the final project. What follows is a list only, and is in no way an outline:

• A brief description of the technology and an explanation of the associated science

• The historical development and context of the technology

• Political and legal influences

• Economic questions and considerations

• Psychological considerations and sociological effects

• The technology in its cultural context, media influence

• Implications for the environment

• Moral and ethical implications

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Other Management: Explore the technical-social-cultural and ethical issues
Reference No:- TGS01828221

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