
Explore the strategy of an organization


You will explore the strategy of an organization then evaluate the connection of the selected process to this strategy.

Create a paper that includes the following components (use the  subheadings below):

Part I - Organization's Strategy

Briefly describe the following elements regarding your selected organization:

1. Vision/Mission

2. Goals

3. Implementation strategy. (Use the model by Treacy and Wiersma and identify which one of the three strategic options fits the company's approach the best, explain how and why) - See the first two Attachments below for the idea/model

Part II - Alignment of the Process to the Company Strategy

In this part you will evaluate a specific business process based on criteria detailed below. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will use, then begin by selecting one. E-mail me, MRhelp, and clearly describe the objective of this process, the participants, and the strategic significance for the company.

The business process you select should have a clear beginning and an end, with identifiable, specific steps. I, MRhelp, will confirm that the process you selected is suitable, or ask you to select another one.

Assess the following elements:

1. How well does the process you selected supports strategic choice (based on #1-3 above)? Your analysis should be specific to the selected business process and not a general discussion of the business.

2. Where in Table 13.6(See last attachment below for the table) would this process fall with respect to the BPM activity and approach? Explain.


Cover page, "Discussion"(3 pp.), and Reference page=5 pages.(Nothing less then 5 pages!)

Analyze the company's strategy in sufficient detail

Evaluate the asignment of the selected process with the company's strategy and process characteristics

Responses should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and exhibit application of information

Clear business writing: spelling and grammar should be acceptable and effective use of APA. FOLLOW the required format and instructions.

You should use 3 sources in APA citation(Nothing less then 3, and it's not necessary for more)

Font size: 12


Attachment:- Organisation focus.rar

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Other Management: Explore the strategy of an organization
Reference No:- TGS01845192

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