
Explore the social media platform tik lok

Assignment task: Write a 1,500 word

Horatian satire essay based on my satire project proposal. It needs to be cited with references APA format. Write it as if your me and it needs to be based on my proposal. Once you've determined a type (my type is HORATIAN) (or tone), you will want to determine a crystal clear premise.

1. Know and understand precisely what issue, idea, or event you mean to satirize.

2. Although this is a creative piece, it still needs a thesis-an organizing principle that grounds the work in a readily definable focus. 3. In more reductive terms: Know the main joke/criticism you mean to make and make it abundantly clear to your audience (my professor ). Satire is best when it achieves an element of surprise. More than anything, this is an assignment that you should have fun with. Tell a story. Write an article. Pick a topic that energizes you to do the hard work that is necessary in order to achieve satire.

My proposal: My first choice for my satire project proposal would be to explore the social media platform Tik lok.

With its addictive and entertaining content, TikTok has become the latest social media sensation, captivating millions of users worldwide. In my essay, I plan to take a satirical approach to explore the platform's pros and cons. I aim to highlight some absurdities that often go unnoticed, such as the unproductive scrolling and the constant pressure to create viral-worthy content. I aim to achieve this through humor and wit, sparking thought-provoking conversations about the impact of social media on our lives and the complexities of the TikTok phenomenon. I will also explore other aspects of the platform, such as its impact on mental health, privacy concerns, and the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.


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Reference No:- TGS03419486

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