Explore the relationship between structure and properties

Focus: preparation, properties, structure and characterization. Attempt should be made to explore the relationship between structure and properties. Applications are optional.

Sources: three scientific journal articles (Journal of the American Chemical Society, Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallics, Chemical Reviews, Nature, Science, etc.)

This is what my teacher is looking for;

The paper needs to follow the following format:
- A title, your name, date and paper number
- A short paragraph explaining your selection
- Introduction
- Description of topic complete with data, illustrations and graphs if necessary (NOTE: While you can insert as many graphs, tables and images as you'd like, only the typed words will count toward the required 5 pages)
- Conclusion
- References (use ACS format)

The paper will be graded based on these criteria:
- Following the required format
- Scientific content
- Appropriate scientific language
- Reason for the selection
- Proper references, min. 3/paper

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Chemistry: Explore the relationship between structure and properties
Reference No:- TGS01060118

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