
Explore the presentation of a cultural group in media

The emphasis of the project is to explore the presentation of a cultural group in media content. You will select and analyze a sample of media, focusing on a specific cultural group portrayed therein. You must choose a sample of media content as described below and select one cultural group that is portrayed therein.

Media Selection
You are free to choose whatever media content you like, as long as it meets the following criteria:
More than one cultural group is portrayed in the media. Part of your analysis will center on comparing groups as represented in your media sample.
It must represent a sample of sufficient size for analysis, roughly equivalent to at least a feature length film.
It should be relatively accessible and available (as opposed to obscure).

This project is designed with television/film/video content in mind. You can potentially choose another form of media (e.g. print, online), but you'll need to get specific permission from me to do so. In such a case, I'll want you to specify the reasons behind such a choice and we'll discuss what would be an appropriate sample size.
Cultural Group Selection

You are free to choose any group portrayed in your selected media as the focus of your analysis as long as it meets the following criteria:
The group has a significant presence in your selected media.

The group conforms to our broad definition of a cultural entity, as explored in class this quarter (i.e. traditional, affiliation-based, and interest-based cultural groups are all appropriate).

The group is specific enough for meaningful cultural analysis. Really, the only significant exclusion here is using gender as the sole defining category, although you may certainly choose a distinctly gender oriented group (e.g. blue collar women, etc).

There are multiple members of the group in your selected media. Part of your analysis will center on comparing individuals within the group.

Project Analysis

Your analysis will focus on the following six items. You should reference specific examples from your media sample and employ sound arguments to support your position:

Values-based on their media portrayal, what values, motivations, norms, and perspectives are held by the group? What factors motivate their behavior and perceptions?

Verbal communication-Describe the elements of verbal communication that you feel are culturally significant. What patterns are typical of the verbal communication of the group in general? What, if any, differences exist in the language use of specific group members and what significance do they have?

Nonverbal communication-Describe the elements of nonverbal communication that you feel are culturally significant. What patterns are typical of the nonverbal communication of the group in general? What, if any, differences exist in the nonverbal behavior of specific group members and what significance do they have?

Within-group differences-Compare at least 2 specific members of your chosen group. What significant differences exist between them? What impact do these differences have-e.g. how might they affect their interaction with one another, their place in the group, etc.? How are such differences manifested? (e.g. behavioral choices, language, nonverbal cues, outcomes, etc.)

Impact & Evaluation-In your opinion, how accurate is the portrayal of this group? Provide evidence from experience or research to back up your opinion. If an individual without any previous experience with members of your chosen group interacted with a member of this group solely on the basis of how the group was portrayed in your media sample, what might happen?

Between-group differences-Compare the portrayal of your group with that of another group present in your media sample. To flesh out this comparison, briefly contrast this alternate group's portrayal with that of your chosen group on at least 2 of the dimensions described above (verbal, nonverbal, values, etc). Do you think this alternate group is portrayed more or less accurately than your chosen group? Why might this be the case?

Detailed Paper Submissions

If you choose this option you will submit a formal paper exploring each item in your analysis in detail. A rough baseline for paper length would be 8-10 pages, although paper length has no direct bearing on your grade-somewhat shorter or longer papers that eloquently and insightfully address the analysis elements are fine. Incorporation of outside sources in your written analysis is not required, but is encouraged where appropriate. Quality of writing and editing will impact your grade. If you cite outside sources you must do so using APA (see the APA Style Guide for formatting help) and be formatted as follows: 1" margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font and your header should be your name and the title of the assignment and NOTHING else. Improper formatting of paper and header will impact your grade.

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