
Explore the potential benefit of initiating case management

Assignment Task:

Please help with describing the quality indicators ( How will success be measured.  An indicator that will measure an impact of change (a core measure, a press ganey score, "x" number of patient complaints, etc.) Must have at least one) for the project described below:

The aim of this project is to explore the potential benefit of initiating case management (CM) referrals as a strategy to reduce readmission rates. This project will both improve the quality of patient care, as well as reduce unnecessary spending. It is critical that we address the number of 30-day readmissions within this population because the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development reports that the number of individuals facing homelessness has been on the rise since 2016, with nearly 600,000 Americans without stable housing in January of 2020 (as cited in Baggett & Kertesz, 2023). Throughout our service area, this rise in the incidence of UHPs has become evident, & we must adapt our approach to the provision of their care.

In the pursuit of improving the quality of care amongst UHPs, we must explore innovative strategies to reduce their high readmission rates. We believe that many readmissions can be prevented with a proper plan of care at time of discharge. With this in mind, we have held numerous brainstorming sessions to discuss proposed interventions to reduce the number of 30-day readmissions we are observing amongst our UHPs. At this time, we are proposing a QI project which will refer UHPs to a case manager to develop a patient-centered care plan. We anticipate that this strategy will subsequently reduce the 30-day readmission rates amongst our UHPs. After the referral is placed, CM will evaluate the patient's needs, & then work to explore the obstacles that are impeding the patient's ability to meet them. CM will then work alongside the patient to develop a comprehensive care plan. It is proposed that the utilization of CM as a tool in this setting could improve the quality of care delivered to UHPs & prevent unnecessary subsequent readmissions to the inpatient setting. We are optimistic about the success of our project as there is virtually no start-up cost to implement our proposed intervention. We already have case managers hired to utilize in instances such as these. In addition, we are confident that our project boasts the potential to reduce the costs that are incurred by our organization because of preventable readmissions & ED visits.

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Other Subject: Explore the potential benefit of initiating case management
Reference No:- TGS03420257

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