
Explore the politics of the public budgeting process



Public budgeting is process driven and that process often has a substantial effect on public policy outcomes and the division of power between the political actors seeking to influence the budget. As such, in the realm of public budgeting, process is policy and understanding who is seeking to shape the process, how characteristics of the budgeting process affect outcomes, and what strategies are employed in shaping the budget process is imperative. This week we will explore the politics of the public budgeting process.

Politics of Budgeting Process Exam

Carefully read Rubin before beginning this exam. This exam consists of 5 multiple-choice questions and 5 short-answer questions. For each multiple-choice question, you must choose the best available answer. Each short-answer question relates to one of the previous multiple choice questions and must be fully answered in a synthesized 50 to 150 words. It is very important to be very thorough in the short-answers. Each short-answer question is worth 20 points and must provide a synthesized detailed, well-reasoned explanation of the analysis you employed in reaching your multiple-choice answer. This exam is open-book/open-notes, however, it has time limit of 1 hour and 30 minutes, and you must use your time wisely to fully answer each question. The timer will continue if you leave this exam without submitting it. Do not hit the BACK button on your browser; this will lock you out of your exam.

Students MAY NOT exceed the allotted time limit. Do not hit the BACK button on your browser.


The classical Liberal Constitution

By Richard A. Epstein

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Microeconomics: Explore the politics of the public budgeting process
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