As the leader of the task force you must implement a strategy to correct the problems that resulted in the robot accident. Slowly over the course, you are introduced to several factors within the corporation that contributed to the accident. In the process of correcting the problems you begin to uncover the mistakes that could lead to increased blame on others in the company or depending on the approach could result in the programmer being accountable for the incident. You need to make a decision to expose the faults in the company that created the ripple effect leading up to the death of the operator and find ways to correct the problems.
Identify Alternatives
Alternative I: Investigate and address all factors that contributed to the robot accident: While the faulty code written by the programmer may have been a direct cause of the accident, there were other contributing factors that need to be addressed to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. As the leader of the task force, you could investigate and address all factors that contributed to the accident, including team dynamics, software testing processes, and other organizational issues.
Alternative II: Choose to dismiss mistakes made from higher ups within the company, even after they threatened to fire employees if the robot was not complete by a certain date. This would result in the programmer taking most of the blame.
Alternative III: Explore the option of solely offering compensation or support to the family of the deceased operator, as well as to any other individuals or teams affected by the accident, as a way to demonstrate the company's commitment to taking responsibility and making things right.