
Explore the gravity affects falling objects


Project Description:

You will explore how gravity affects falling objects. please turn in your write-up by the end. the lab for is "lab 10, experiment 1: falling in a gravitational field". you do not need to complete lab 10, experiment 2 - only experiment 1. note that not all of the necessary materials for lab were included in your lab kit; you will need to provide your own basketball, baseball, or football (any of these will work, and you will only need to use one).

Next, briefly take a look through the questions at the end lab 10, experiment 1. enter all your responses into the following ms word worksheet: in your lab write up, support your observations and results with explanations using the scientific terms and theory we studied. be sure to cite and reference all your sources, including the lab websites and additional readings.

For this lab you will drop several objects from the same height and observe how they fall and how long each takes to hit the ground. Consider the following as you complete the lab and answer the Write-Up Questions below:

• Do the objects fall at the same rate?

• What if the objects are different sizes, does that make a difference?


1. The acceleration due to gravity calculated this way works well for objects near the Earth's surface. How would you have to change the above equation if the object was 100,000 meters above the ground?

For questions 2 and 3, please consult the textbook and additional research materials on Newton's Second Law of Motion. Pay particular attention to mass, gravity, acceleration and how they inter-relate.

2. How does air resistance alter the way we perceive falling objects?

3. Is the force acting on a massive object larger than that acting on a less massive one? How can you verify this without taking any measurements?

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Physics: Explore the gravity affects falling objects
Reference No:- TGS01972106

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