
Explore the following and post information in 250 words or

Explore one celebration in a Spanish-speaking country that you have never heard about. Please write this in paragraph form and use best writing practices, as though you are presenting your research to the class. This is not a writing assignment, per se, but please write it as though you are presenting this information to our class. Informal attribution is necessary in order to give credit to the source of your information. Academic research requires us to cite our sources. At the bottom of your forum post, include the links to the websites used to gather information for your topic. If your sources were not from the web, reference the name and author of any book or article that you consulted. Please remember that text directly quoted from other sources must be in quotation marks.

Explore the following and post information in 250 words or more:

What is the celebration/festival?

What is the origin and reason for the celebration/festival?

Do you think the celebration's purpose is remembered or has this event become a custom that carries on because it is fun and done out of tradition? (Can you think of and comment on an American tradition that is practiced without thinking about why it originated in the first place?)

Who participates? Where does it take place?

How is this festival celebrated? (What does it look and feel like to be there among the participants?)

Why did this celebration get your attention and would you like to participate in it? Why?

Think about a celebration or holiday you celebrate here in the US and compare and contrast how and why your celebration is similar and/or different than the celebration you are presenting.

Don't just clue into obvious differences, but think about the reasons, meaning, and purpose along with the level of enthusiasm and importance behind the celebration.

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Dissertation: Explore the following and post information in 250 words or
Reference No:- TGS02179844

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