
Explore the five major qualitative research design

Discussion 1 - Selecting Methodologies

For this discussion, complete the following:

1. Select a methodology from one of the five discussed in this unit, which you would use to design a qualitative study.

2. Demonstrate your understanding of the methodology by writing a one-page description of the methodology and a rationale for using the methodology to design a research study.

3. Support your choice and rationale with references from the assigned readings.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Explore the five major qualitative research design methodologies.

2. Describe the key characteristics, purposes, strengths, and limitations of qualitative research designs.

3. Review the different approaches to qualitative inquiry.

Introduction to the Five Methodologies


There are five qualitative research methodologies generally considered acceptable at Capella University to guide a qualitative dissertation:


Case study.


Grounded theory.

Generic qualitative inquiry.

Important note: Not all academic programs recommend all five of these approaches; choose and determine which one of these methodologies is recommended for the field of study in Public Administration.

While there are other qualitative research approaches available, many lack the rigor and clear procedures for data collection and analysis that the University considers appropriate for research.

These methodologies have been chosen and deemed acceptable because they:

Can be applied to research topics and questions typically studied in your specialization.

Have clear, linear, and rigorous data collection and data analysis procedures.

Are well supported in the standard methodology literatures used in the courses.

Are presented to learners at residencies and colloquia.


Use your Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods text to read Chapter 3, "Designing a Qualitative Study," pages 41-64.

Use your Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design text to complete the following:

Read Chapter 1, "Introduction," pages 1-14. Focus on the subsection "Selection of the Five Approaches."

Read Chapter 4, "Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry," pages 65-110. Focus on the following subsections:

"Phenomenological Research."

"Grounded Theory Research."

"Ethnographic Research."

"Case Study Research."

Use the Internet to read Tellis's 1997 article, "Introduction to Case Study," from The Qualitative Report , volume 3, issue 2.


Read Qualitative Research Proposal to launch the presentation. This presentation appears throughout the course to help guide you as you develop the various components of your course project. Boxcars will continue to be added to the train as you progress through the course. Each boxcar provides information regarding the development of individual components of a research.

Read Chapter 2, "Case Study," pages 20-25.

Read Chapter 3, "Phenomenology," pages 26-29.

Read Chapter 5, "Ethnography," pages 34-42.


Craig, E. (l978). The heart of the teacher. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.

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