
Explore the extent to which the community was prepared what

All have to be done on separate word documents

Question 1

Terrorism has a long history and with recent events, no end in sight. Read the article on terrorism produced by the British Broadcasting Company: "The Changing Faces of Terrorism," by Adam Roberts (2002).

In your own words, consider how terrorism has changed over time. Expand your discussion post and cite examples used in this article (or others including your experience) to support your position. Feel free to draw on current events to illustrate your view.

Read Roberts (2002), click the Louis XVI button to the right (right-click to open in new tab). Louis XVI of France is shown dragged away by revolutionaries in 1789.


Roberts, A., (2002). "The Changing Faces of Terrorism." BBC.

Question 2

Select one incident as a case study from the list below and draw conclusions whether homeland security worked (fulfilled its mission) in regards to the incident. Narrow your analysis to one phase of emergency management and discuss lessons learned.

Joplin Missouri Tornado

West Texas Fertilizer Plant explosion

Ebola outbreak in the United States

Graniteville Train Derailment & Chlorine Spill

Flint Michigan Water Contamination

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Sandy

South Carolina historic rainfall and private sector dams breached

Research your selected incident and identify and three sources that relate or describe the incident. In your 500-word essay, use the outline below as topics to guide development of your essay.

Background: Briefly describe the hazard that caused the incident.

Implications: Explore the extent to which the community was prepared. What gaps in preparedness resulted in the disasters if any?

Lessons learned or After Action results: On the basis of your research, what major lessons learned were revealed? Did the outcome demonstrate that homeland security worked?


Oliver, W.M., Marion, N.E., & Hill, J.B. (2015). Introduction to Homeland Security. MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapter 3, 4 and Chapter 10, pp 187 â€" 200.Â

Question 3

The Ebola epidemic in West Africa and subsequently its dust-up in the United States, revealed weaknesses in the nation's bio preparedness.

This comes after the nation had invested billions of dollars for bio preparedness at the local, state and national level. As a result, questions have been raised by watchdog groups, like the Trust for America's Health organization, whether the nation is really prepared for not only a pandemic, but emerging infectious disease (EID) outbreaks such as Ebola.

Review the Trust for America's Health report, Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Diseases

Note: Be selective of your review of the TFAH report. TFAH throws all their "issues" into a 100-page report from food safety to HIV to climate change.

Browse through the report but focus on the assignment topics (relevant pages listed below) in your review of the TFAH report, Ebola and preparedness. For example, pp 71 - 72 covers the Texas hospital unprepared for accepting an Ebola patient and offers excellent insights into preparedness for EIDs when a facility has no prior experience with the characteristics of a particular bio agent.

Write a 250-word essay and cite the references in APA style. Use outline below as topics to guide development of your essay from your research.

Background: Describe public health's role in the prevention of infectious disease outbreaks and response to outbreaks.

Disease Outbreak Prevention: What are some of the challenges that threaten the ability of U.S. public health programs to successfully prevent or respond to disease outbreaks?

What do Ebola lessons learned tell us about the critical coordination and communication requirements among healthcare partners to include healthcare facilities (hospitals), state departments of public health, emergency medical services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in regards to EID prevention and control?


Trust for America's Health (December 2014), "Outbreak: Protecting Americans from Infectious Diseases (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site." Washington, DC, (pp 1-12, 56-58, 68 - 68 and 71-72. Retrieved from https://healthyamericans.org/assets/files/TFAH-2014-OutbreaksRpt-FnlRv.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

View in a new windowIndependent Panel on the HHS Ebola Response (June 2016). "Report of the Independent Panel on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Ebola ResponsePreview the documentView in a new window." See Course Materials or click on article title.

Question 4

Familiarize yourself with the homeland security cycle in Oliver (2015), also referred to as the emergency management preparedness cycle with many differing adaptations. Prepare a 500-word essay and include the following considerations. Reference your sources using APA Style for references.

Identify a gap in your community and/or jurisdiction's preparedness planning. Use local, county or state planning documents. Or, interview an authoritative source who is familiar with local threats, vulnerabilities and planning gaps. Be sure to reference your sources using APA Style for references whether jurisdiction planning documents or interviews.

Research the threat (natural, criminal or terrorist) and identify how other communities have addressed that threat with either preparedness or mitigation actions. Narrow your analysis to either phase of the cycle and demonstrate an application to your community.

In other words, what did others do that you would incorporate into your selected jurisdiction's planning?

Take a whole community approach to build community resilience toward this particular threat. Include appropriate stakeholders that should be included in your preparedness recommendations to achieve community resilience.

Use the Columbia College Library website and access the Opposing Viewpoints in Context webpage to learn of opposing views to your topic.

For example, search for "bioterrorism" and read the topic introduction on bioterrorism. Note that Opposing Viewpoints presents papers that reflect different viewpoints on the importance of preparing for the threat of bioterrorism.

Use facts from your reading, reference those facts to support those conclusions. Cite your references in proper American Psychological Association format.


Oliver, W.M., Marion, N.E., & Hill, J.B. (2015). Introduction to Homeland Security. MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapter 3, 4 and Chapter 10, pp 187 - 200.

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