Explore the experience and identity of a few individuals


This 10 pages should use either a narrative or an ethnographic approach to qualitative research. The fundamental question your problem should address is: Why do people have a habit of coming to this particular place, as opposed to another one? What do they do there, and how is this place meaningful to them? Although both narrative research and ethnography explore people's experience with the place you selected, they do it in different ways:

1) Narrative research: you will want to explore the experience and identity of a few individuals as it relates to their use of that place.

2) Ethnography: you will want to describe and analyze the behavior, language, and general interaction of people at that place.

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Explore the experience and identity of a few individuals
Reference No:- TGS03140373

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