Explore the development of the concept of blackness

Assignment task:

4-5 page research paper on a topic of their choice based on the central themes covered in the course. (SLAVERY)

More Detailed Final Research Paper/Project Instructions:

The primary purpose of this project is to help us think critically about the topics and themes that have been discussed throughout the course. In particular, I want us to use these topics to explore the development of the concept of "Blackness" and how factors of American racism and "white supremacy" have impacted the lived experience of African Americans, since their arrival here in the New World.

With this project, I hope that we are able to identify the interconnectedness of the themes and topics discussed throughout the course. All of these topics are important but for the purposes of this paper/project I just want you to focus on one or two without the need or pressure to have to account for everything that has been covered in the course. That is not the aim here. The purpose of the Thesis Assignment was to help boil down a topic into an argument to help guide your final paper/project.

Formatting the Final Research Paper - Make Sure to Follow these Rules:

There are some basic rules that you must follow for college level writing:

Second, remember that this paper must be 4-5 pages in length. This page range does not include the Cover Page or the Works Cited/Reference page. So make sure that you have written a legitimate 4-5 pages of text. If you have to, you may go over the 5 pages. However, submitting papers shorter than 4 pages will impact your grade.

Also, try not to overburden your paper with unnecessary direct quotes. No more than 5-10% of your paper's analysis should be constituted from direct quotes. So, only use quotes if you see that the precise wording of another scholar may serve to enhance an important point that you want to make in your analysis.

My thesis down below A potential thesis can be, "The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade continues to have a profound affect within various aspects of American society" or something to that effect.

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Other Subject: Explore the development of the concept of blackness
Reference No:- TGS03414644

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