
Explore the deeper implications of the quotation


Part I: First, you will create an Annotated Bibliography for the required reading.


An annotated bibliography is a citation followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Part II: You will choose 2-3 important quotes from the assigned reading for further analysis, along with offering an extended discussion your reading process. This section should be approximately 300-400 words (minimum).

i. State what you understand the quotation to mean, reframing, if possible, the language of the quotation in the terms of your argument.

ii. Explore the deeper implications of the quotation in a larger context.

iii. The metacognitive process of reading can help you develop awareness of your strengths as a reader as well as pinpoint where your reading process might be enhanced by incorporating new strategies. So, use the following sentence-starters you can choose to assist your writing in this section.

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Other Subject: Explore the deeper implications of the quotation
Reference No:- TGS03331956

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