
Explore the data using measures of central tendency

Description: Using the SPSS Assignment Data Set provided, explore the data using measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, and measures of relative position. Then, report the data in a clear, organized results section in accordance with the current APA manual.

Include the following descriptive statistics elements in your results section:

1. The mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and range for the perceived learning variable as measured by the Perceived CAP Learning Scale (Rovai et al., 2009).
2. A histogram for the perceived learning variable with purple bars and normal curve displayed.
3. The means, medians, ranges, and interquartile ranges for perceived learning variable by gender.
4. The P10, P20, P30, P40 and P95 for total perceived learning variable with the interpretation of the meaning of P95.

In a Word document, write an APA results section for each of the four steps. At the end of the document, copy and paste the SPSS output used for the assignment. SPSS output should not be included in the APA results section as the output should be used to write narratives and create tables and figures in accordance with APA guidelines.

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Basic Statistics: Explore the data using measures of central tendency
Reference No:- TGS094588

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