
Explore the broad impact on operations of the good soldier

HRM systems for knowledge workers: ifferences among top managers, middle managers, and professional employees by achim krausert

1. Explore the broad impact on operations of the good soldier who is not promoted because of his or her competence in the current position.

2. Describe the differences between a political and an administrative perspective in leadership and performance management of public organizations.

3. Use theory bases and frameworks to articulate the importance of human resources management in a time of change.

Unit 9 - Strategic Management of Human Resource in the Public Sector


This unit will introduce the topic of political necessities versus administrative requirements, as they relate to acquiring staff for your organization. The desire to diversify your organization may at times conflict with acquiring staff with the best skills. There can be a logical balance in the talents and values staff bring to the workplace, but a critical look at more than strictly work-based skills is needed.

The case study will require you to critically evaluate the situation of the good soldier using all of the theoretical constructs explored in this course. Ethics, motivation, performance metrics, classification, promotion, and diversity all need to be explored, balanced, and critically examined in an exercise that will prepare you to face this common problem in the workplace.

Also, you will turn in your course project. By going through the exercise of job design, you have critically examined human resources management as a leader must understand it to assure the survivability of the organization.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

Unit 9 Study 1 - Readings

Use your Public Personnel Management text to complete the following:

• Review Chapter 8, "Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion." The text will explore the conflicts between acquiring the most skilled employees and other interests that have values to weigh against skills. Diversity is but one of these competing factors that come from the big picture that is the future defined by human values.

• Read the case study "Requiem for a Good Soldier" in Chapter 9. You will respond to this case study in a discussion question later in this unit.

Use your Public Human Resource Management text to complete the following:

• Read Chapter 4, "Human Resources Management in the Federal Government During a Time of Instability."

• Read Chapter 6, "Strategic Human Resources Management at the Local Level: Balancing Enduring Commitments and Emerging Needs."

Use the Research Library to read the following:

• Krausert, A. (2014). HRM systems for knowledge workers: Differences among top managers, middle managers, and professional employees. Human Resource Management, 53(1), 67-87.

Discussion  -

Good Soldier Review the case study "Requiem for a Good Soldier" in Public Personnel Management .

What factors do you see that caused Rachel to remain in an administrative position without promotion?

What controls can you imagine that would prevent this type of situation? Why might it be difficult to implement such controls?

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Operation Management: Explore the broad impact on operations of the good soldier
Reference No:- TGS02540162

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