Explore research from sociology journals

Assignment Task:

Overview - For this Assignment-Worksheet, you will choose ONE social problem and start to explore research from sociology journals that have been conducted on that topic. For example, you might select unemployment among minority populations or even poverty among veterans. 

You will search the APUS library and other reputable scholarly websites such as Google Scholar (more than the abstract; you must read the article) and find three current sociology journal articles from sociology journals that are focused on the social problem you selected. The journal articles should be no more than five years old. 


1. Choose "One" social problem.

2. Search the APUS library, Google Scholar, and other reputable scholarly sites to find three research studies on your ONE topic (sociology journal articles no more than five years old). Do not use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia, ask.com, about.com, and similar.

3. Complete (in your own words) and submit the following worksheet for the three sociology journal articles.

Summary -  Explain what the researchers explored and why. In other words, what were they trying to discover or uncover? Be specific.  You can start by stating something like "The researchers wanted to discover" or "The researchers wanted to find out  if.... "DO NOT copy and paste the information from the journal articles; you must share what you learned in your own words. Paraphrase. 

Key study results - Discuss what the researcher(s) found. Be specific. For example, did they find an increase or decrease in something? You can say something like, "The researchers found that......They also found....."DO NOT copy and paste the information; you must share what you learned in your own words; paraphrase.

Questions: If you met with the author(s), what is at least one question you would ask concerning this research that you felt was missing and why?

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Reference No:- TGS03438699

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