Explore "Remembering Oak Ridge"
In an 800-1000 word essay, reconstruct a day in the life of a patient at Oak Rid ge by writing a first person account. Imagine that you have been incarcerated there because you have been found to be "criminally insane." Pick the historical time period of your incarceration (e.g., in the 1960s, 1980s) and flesh out the details of a typical day for you within the walls of Oak Ridge.
Base your account on the details about patient lives and the institution that you learn about at the website. What sorts of activities might you engage in? What treatment might you receive? Who might you enc ounter (staff, other patients)?
Although this is a creative essay, be sure to reference the source of the details you provide following the "To cite this page" instructions at the bottom of every page on the site (and for more on APA style, see below).