
Explore possible proactive solutions to this social problem


Choose one of the following topics to investigate in a five to six page research paper:

There is a strong connection between abuse and delinquency. Numerous studies have linked child abuse and neglect to juvenile crime. Completely discuss the reasons for this, and offer possible remedies.

Juvenile gangs have become a serious and growing problem in many areas throughout the U.S. It is unlikely that gang control strategies can be successful as long as legitimate economic alternatives are lacking. Explore possible proactive solutions to this social problem.

Many of the underlying problems of youth crime and delinquency are directly related to education.

Numerous empirical studies have confirmed that lack of education success is an important contributing factor in delinquency. Examine this relationship and propose alternative methods of educating our youth.

The use of waiver and transfer provisions in juvenile court statutes has become more common.

Critically analyze this trend toward a criminalization of the juvenile court system.

APA formatted, typed in Times New Roman 12pt font, with a title & reference page.

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Dissertation: Explore possible proactive solutions to this social problem
Reference No:- TGS02341009

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