
Explore how theframework for effective homeland security

Assignment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to explore how theframework for effective homeland security design making can be used to support effective homeland security strategic planning.

You have been directed to write a policy memo for your boss, who is the State A Director of the Emergency Management Agency.

Using the resources provided below, as well information from resources you identify through your own research efforts, your assignment is to construct a briefing memo of 2-3 pages that focuses on the instructions posed below.

Assignment Guidelines

• Assumption: Your boss knows little about how to use strategic planning as a framework for effective homeland security decision making.

• Address the following in 2-3 pages:

o Assignment: Your assignment is to develop a briefing memo that provides the basics on government strategic planning at an executive level, so that your boss better understands how to use strategic planning as a framework for effective homeland security decision making.

Your briefing should include the following:

What is strategic planning?

What is the generic government strategic planning process?

What are some of the successful government strategic planning processes in use today, and why are they successful?

What are the current trends in government strategic planning?

Do you have any thoughts on the future of government strategic planning?

Conclude your memo with the 5 most important concepts and ideas that you think your boss should take away from your briefing memo.

o Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Assignment Objectives

• Identify and evaluate state and local HLS/EM planning efforts.

• Describe and discuss current national preparedness capabilities and goals.

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Dissertation: Explore how theframework for effective homeland security
Reference No:- TGS02841585

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