Assignment: IKEA
• Data Silos
o Identify Data Silos
Provide a listing and a description of the various data silos that exist in your BOI. Note: If you had more than one data band in last week's submission it is likely you have data silos!
o Opportunity for Improvement
How can the various data silos that exist be brought together so that the silos are eliminated?
o Business Process Changes Required
Explain the business process changes required if the suggested improvements are made and the data silos are eliminated.
• Web 2.0 - The Interactive Internet
o Current Use of Web 2.0
Explore how the use of a Web 2.0 technology is currently being utilized in the BOI.
o New Web 2.0 Tool #1
Select a new Web 2.0 technology for your BOI to implement. Explain how it will be implemented and used. How will this benefit the business? What risks are involved?
o New Web 2.0 Tool #2
Select a second new Web 2.0 technology for your BOI to implement. Explain how it will be implemented and used. How will this benefit the business? What risks are involved?
• IS Components (Revisited)
Expanding on the work started in previous weeks, add any new IS components you identified this week. If any changes or additions need explanation, add that explanation by way of a footnote.
Attachment:- MGMT-Project-Template.rar