
Explore covid-19-global pandemic has impacted the world


Write an essay exploring how the COVID-19, Global Pandemic has impacted the world and history with a more specific FOCUS on its PERSONAL IMPACT to your life. Include the causes, effects, and changes that have occurred because of the worldwide health crisis.

Essay Structure

Introduction: COVID-19 and Global Pandemic

You must: (use resources from Lesson One to cite your sources and information)

• Define

• Give Statistics

• Cite Sources: CDC, WHO, John Hopkins...etc.

Topic Sentence/Thesis Statement: (SAMPLE)-COVID 19 has impacted many people Worldwide during the 2020 year. The global pandemic has

(add to this statement how YOU plan on discussing its PERSONAL impact)

Body Paragraph 1: 3 Causes


• National and local Lockdowns

• Shortage of supplies

• Cancellation of Events (Personal, Private and/or Public)

• Many sick people

• Vulnerable Population/Family Members

• Healthcare workers

• Mental Health

• Overcrowded hospitals

• Homeschooling

• Remote work/Remote Learning

Body Paragraph 2: 3 Effects (Personal Impact)


• Unable to attend parties/concerts/gym/beach/date

• Not enough Toilet Paper/Food/Cleaning Supplies

• Prom/Graduation/Senior Activities Cancelled

• Many sick people

• Protecting elderly/sick parents/grandparents

• Family in healthcare

• Depression/isolation/anxiety/loneliness

• Working/Learning from home

Body Paragraph 3: 3 Changes/Perspectives/ Positive Outlooks (Based on Rewriting 2020 Presentation)

Discuss 3 changes/solutions/perspectives/positive outlook/lessons learned from this global pandemic. How are YOU rewriting 2020?

750 words

a minimum of five well-developed paragraphs

The Body of the essay MUST NOT be NOT LESS than 750 words and NOT EXCEED 1000 words.

Include a stated thesis statement

Papers should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1-inch margins.

MLA Format is required.

In the top left corner (not in the "header"), you should include your first and last name, my first and last name, the date, ENC 1101. The title, which should be original, must be centered but NOT italicized, bolded, underlined, in different font size, or in quotation marks; also, capitalize the first letter of the important words in your title. Insert your last name and page numbers as a "header" in the top right corner of each additional page.

As a reminder, since this is a formal writing assignment, do not use contractions, slang, and/or write as if you are talking to your reader.

Do NOT label your paragraphs like the sample structure below, that is there simply for you to refer to what needs to be covered in each paragraph.

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Science: Explore covid-19-global pandemic has impacted the world
Reference No:- TGS03178612

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