
Explore clinical-leadership opportunities of practice nurse

Assignment Task:

CLO 1: Analyze the AACN DNP Essentials within the context of providing the highest quality population health. 

CLO 2: Evaluate the evolution, past, present, and future of the role expectations of a competent doctoral prepared nurse within a diverse, global environment. 

CLO 3: Explore clinical and leadership opportunities of an advanced practice nurse with interprofessional collaboration. Need Assignment Help?


This assignment is a narrated presentation file (i.e., PowerPoint or Prezi).

Use up to 15 references with at least 10 research references AND only websites used were .org, .edu, or .gov. 

Rubrics to use- power point should contain an exemplary discussion of the chosen essential and the significance of this essential to the impact of the DNP on the quality, safety, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of healthcare for individuals and/or populations. There is excellent use of high-quality research evidence to support contentions. 

There should be an exemplary discussion of the need for and impact of interprofessional collaboration related to the selected essential. There is excellent use of high-quality research evidence to support contentions.

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Other Subject: Explore clinical-leadership opportunities of practice nurse
Reference No:- TGS03453909

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