Solve the 3-dimensional, steady state heat transfer problem for a cartesian system either numerically or analytically.
- If you use the numerical method, write a computer code using the finite difference method or finite volume method. You can choose any languages, such as Fortran, C++, and MATLAB.
Apply your code to solve for the temperature distribution of a solid cuboid as shown below.
Explore at least 3 different combinations of thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient to see if there is any difference for the temperature profile. Draw the temperature profile or isothermal diagram.
- If you choose to solve it analytically, follow the approach introduced in Chapter 4, or other reference books on Methods of Mathematical Physics.
Your report should include, but not limited to:
1) a description of the algorithm/method,
2) the code (numerical), or the derivation (analytically),
3) the grid size information, (if applicable)
4) the resultant temperature profile or isothermal diagram for 3 different k - h combinations.
5) References.