
Explore accounting in public-not for profit organization

Explore accounting in public and/or not for profit organization in Qatar, and how governmental/and or nonprofit accounting organizations are practiced. .

Project description:

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to explore accounting in public and/or not for profit organization in Qatar, and how governmental/and or nonprofit accounting organizations are practiced.

Course Project: You should FIND an organizations and use print resources to describe accounting cycle in a governmental or non-profit organization and find out as much information about that process as possible. You should remember that organization that you select and confirm that it is an acceptable project and that no other student has identified the same organization. If you will use the same organization write about the process in different department or accounting cycle.

You are asked to prepare a written analysis of the accounting cycle. Your analysis should summarize both the facts and include a reference list identifying the sources of the information that you used in researching this project. The analysis should be no more than 6 pages of narrative (excluding bibliography and cover page), double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins, and typed. Your report should be submitted in electronic format as a word file. Reports will be graded on content, analysis/discussion, and construction (organization, grammar, syntax, etc.).

Question you need to answer:

Why do you think this establishment is public sector or non profit organization? Explain

Choose accounting process in the organization such as payroll cycle or cash cycle or revenue cycle or inventory or internal audit or explain type of accounting books they use, or budgeting and explain the process, or inventory cycle. Or External reports such revenue and expenditures/expenses or other statement they prepare. Or how to treat assets and what laws or accounting standards they follow.

Any relevant laws or bylaws, regulations in doing any accounting process should be indicated.

You need to use references and also you can put appendix at the end of the project paper.

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Accounting Basics: Explore accounting in public-not for profit organization
Reference No:- TGS01434671

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