
Explore a specialized crisis intervention



For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explore a specialized crisis intervention topic of your choice from the list.


• Using the following topic:

o Sexual Assault/Rape

• After selecting your topic, you will review current literature and address the following aspects in your paper:

o Define the topic/problem.

o Discuss the impact on the individual/crisis response.

o Identify and explain current interventions to address the crisis response.

o Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these interventions.

o Explain how this crisis/topic can impact the crisis worker, resulting in vicarious trauma/burnout.

o Discuss strategies to avoid burnout/vicarious trauma.

Crisis Intervention

Special Topics in Crisis Intervention


• Submit a Word document in APA format.

• Maximum 6 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.

• At least three resources, in addition to the course textbook.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Written work is clear and excellent college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are clear and appropriate; appropriate guidelines outlined for paper were met.

The length of the written work provides indepth coverage of the topics, assertions are clearly supported by evidence; Paper meets required length of pages and content areas; More than the required number of scholarly journals.

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Biology: Explore a specialized crisis intervention
Reference No:- TGS03203165

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